UART 送信側
パリティ種別:奇数 偶数ビット選択
Input clock frequency is expected to 10.000MHz.
#define TRUE 1'b1
#define FALSE 1'b0
declare UART_Tx {
// Transmit data input
input Tx_Data_i[8]; // Transmit data in.
// Transmit data output
output TxD_o; // Transmit data out. LSB first
// Command and Status bit
input Freq_Divide_Param_i[16] ;
// Frequency divider parameter for 10.000MHz.
input Tx_BitLength_i[2] ;
// Transmit bit length. 5, 6, 7, and 8.
input Tx_ParityEN_i ;
// Parity enable bit. 1 = Parity enable, 0 = Parity disable.
input Tx_OddParity_i ;
// Odd parity bit. 1 = Odd parity, 0 = Even parity.
input Tx_Enable_i ;
// Transmit enable bit. 1 = Enable, 0 = disable
output Tx_Ready_o ;
// Transmit ready flag.
output Tx_ShiftClock_o ;
// Transmit shift clock. ( for timing check )
// Control signals
func_in Tx_Start_i ;
// Transmit start request.
func_out Tx_Finish_o ;
// Transmit finish acknowledge.
Input clock frequency is expected to 10.000MHz.
module UART_Tx {
/* ************************************************************ */
/* Declare internal signals */
wire BitLength[4] ;
reg ShiftCount[4] = 0 ;
reg BaudCounter[20] = 0 ;
reg ShiftTiming = 0 ;
reg Tx_ShiftReg[12] = 0 ; // Parallel -> Serial conversion shift register.
reg internal_TxD_out = TRUE ;
wire Tx_Parity ;
reg internal_READY = TRUE ;
/* ************************************************************ */
// Procedure description
// Declare function and procedure
proc_name capture_TxData() , //
shift_Operation( Tx_ShiftReg ) , //
access_complete() ; //
/* ************************************************************ */
/* Baud rate generator */
// This function is activate at Tx_Enable_i will be HIGH.
if ( Tx_Enable_i ) {
if ( BaudCounter == { Freq_Divide_Param_i , 4'b1111 } ) {
BaudCounter := 20'h0 ; // Reset baud rate counter
ShiftTiming := TRUE ; // and assert Shift Timing indicator.
} else {
BaudCounter := BaudCounter + 20'b1 ; // Count up
ShiftTiming := FALSE ;
} else {
BaudCounter := 20'h0 ; // Reset baud rate counter
ShiftTiming := FALSE ; // Reset Shift Timing indicator.
/* ************************************************************ */
/* Bit length check */
any {
~Tx_ParityEN_i : any { // without Parity enable
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b00 : BitLength = 4'd7 ;
// 5bit data length ( Start + Data[4:0] + End )
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b01 : BitLength = 4'd8 ;
// 6bit data length ( Start + Data[5:0] + End )
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b10 : BitLength = 4'd9 ;
// 7bit data length ( Start + Data[6:0] + End )
else : BitLength = 4'd10;
// 8bit data length ( Start + Data[7:0] + End )
else : any { // with Parity enable
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b00 : BitLength = 4'd8 ;
// 5bit data length ( Start + Data[4:0] + Parity + End )
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b01 : BitLength = 4'd9 ;
// 6bit data length ( Start + Data[5:0] + Parity + End )
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b10 : BitLength = 4'd10;
// 7bit data length ( Start + Data[6:0] + Parity + End )
else : BitLength = 4'd11;
// 8bit data length ( Start + Data[7:0] + Parity + End )
/* ************************************************************ */
/* Parity generation */
any {
Tx_OddParity_i : Tx_Parity = ~^(Tx_Data_i) ; // Calculate ODD parity
else : Tx_Parity = ^(Tx_Data_i) ; // Calculate EVEN parity
/* ************************************************************ */
/* Equation for Transmit data output */
TxD_o = internal_TxD_out ; // output internal shift register value.
Tx_Ready_o = internal_READY ;
Tx_ShiftClock_o = ShiftTiming ;
} // end of equation
/* ************************************************************ */
// Procedure description
function Tx_Start_i capture_TxData() ;
/* ************************************************************ */
/* Transmit operation */
proc capture_TxData {
// Invalidate READY flag
internal_READY := FALSE ;
// Set TxD output pin level
internal_TxD_out := TRUE ; // H-level reset.
// Initialize shift counter
ShiftCount := 4'd0 ;
// Generate Shift register value.
any {
// 5bit length
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b00 : {
if ( Tx_ParityEN_i ) { // with Parity enable
shift_Operation( { 5#TRUE , Tx_Parity , Tx_Data_i[4:0] , FALSE } ) ;
} else { // without Parity enable
shift_Operation( { 5#TRUE , 1'b1 , Tx_Data_i[4:0] , FALSE } ) ;
// 6bit length
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b01 : {
if ( Tx_ParityEN_i ) { // with Parity enable
shift_Operation( { 4#TRUE , Tx_Parity , Tx_Data_i[5:0] , FALSE } ) ;
} else { // without Parity enable
shift_Operation( { 4#TRUE , 1'b1 , Tx_Data_i[5:0] , FALSE } ) ;
// 7bit length
Tx_BitLength_i == 2'b10 : {
if ( Tx_ParityEN_i ) { // with Parity enable
shift_Operation( { 3#TRUE , Tx_Parity , Tx_Data_i[6:0] , FALSE } ) ;
} else { // without Parity enable
shift_Operation( { 3#TRUE , 1'b1 , Tx_Data_i[6:0] , FALSE } ) ;
// 8bit length
else : {
if ( Tx_ParityEN_i ) { // with Parity enable
shift_Operation( { 2#TRUE , Tx_Parity , Tx_Data_i[7:0] , FALSE } ) ;
} else { // without Parity enable
shift_Operation( { 2#TRUE , 1'b1 , Tx_Data_i[7:0] , FALSE } ) ;
proc shift_Operation {
if ( ShiftTiming ) {
// Equation for shift register operation.
Tx_ShiftReg := { TRUE , Tx_ShiftReg[11:1] } ; // Shift operation
internal_TxD_out := Tx_ShiftReg[0] ; // Data output
// Bit length check
ShiftCount := ShiftCount + 4'd1 ;
if ( ShiftCount == BitLength ) {
access_complete() ;
proc access_complete {
// Assert status flag.
Tx_Finish_o() ;
internal_READY := TRUE ;
// Procedure finish.
finish ;
/* ************************************************************ */
} // end of module
Produced by NSL Core, IP ARCH, Inc. Fri Jun 04 19:03:13 2010
module UART_Tx ( p_reset , m_clock , Tx_Data_i , TxD_o , Freq_Divide_Param_i , Tx_BitLength_i , Tx_ParityEN_i , Tx_OddParity_i , Tx_Enable_i , Tx_Ready_o , Tx_ShiftClock_o , Tx_Start_i , Tx_Finish_o );
input p_reset, m_clock;
input [7:0] Tx_Data_i;
output TxD_o;
input [15:0] Freq_Divide_Param_i;
input [1:0] Tx_BitLength_i;
input Tx_ParityEN_i;
input Tx_OddParity_i;
input Tx_Enable_i;
output Tx_Ready_o;
output Tx_ShiftClock_o;
input Tx_Start_i;
output Tx_Finish_o;
wire [3:0] BitLength;
reg [3:0] ShiftCount;
reg [19:0] BaudCounter;
reg ShiftTiming;
reg [11:0] Tx_ShiftReg;
reg internal_TxD_out;
wire Tx_Parity;
reg internal_READY;
reg capture_TxData;
reg shift_Operation;
reg access_complete;
wire _proc_access_complete_set;
wire _proc_access_complete_reset;
wire _net_0;
wire _proc_shift_Operation_set;
wire _proc_shift_Operation_reset;
wire _net_1;
wire _proc_capture_TxData_set;
wire _proc_capture_TxData_reset;
wire _net_2;
wire _net_3;
wire _net_4;
wire _net_5;
wire _net_6;
wire _net_7;
wire _net_8;
wire _net_9;
wire _net_10;
wire _net_11;
wire _net_12;
wire _net_13;
wire _net_14;
wire _net_15;
wire _net_16;
wire _net_17;
wire _net_18;
wire _net_19;
wire _net_20;
wire _net_21;
wire _net_22;
wire _net_23;
wire _net_24;
wire _net_25;
wire _net_26;
wire _net_27;
wire _net_28;
wire _net_29;
wire _net_30;
wire _net_31;
wire _net_32;
wire _net_33;
wire _net_34;
wire _net_35;
wire _net_36;
wire _net_37;
wire _net_38;
wire _net_39;
wire _net_40;
wire _net_41;
wire _net_42;
wire _net_43;
wire _net_44;
wire _net_45;
wire _net_46;
wire _net_47;
wire _net_48;
wire _net_49;
wire _net_50;
wire _net_51;
wire _net_52;
wire _net_53;
wire _net_54;
wire _net_55;
wire _net_56;
wire _net_57;
wire _net_58;
assign #1 BitLength = ((_net_24)?4'b1011:4'b0)|
assign #1 Tx_Parity = ((_net_25)?^(Tx_Data_i):1'b0)|
assign #1 _proc_access_complete_set = _net_58;
assign #1 _proc_access_complete_reset = access_complete;
assign #1 _net_0 = _proc_access_complete_set|_proc_access_complete_reset;
assign #1 _proc_shift_Operation_set = _net_51|_net_48|_net_45|_net_42|_net_38|_net_35|_net_31|_net_28;
assign #1 _proc_shift_Operation_reset = _net_57;
assign #1 _net_1 = _proc_shift_Operation_set|_proc_shift_Operation_reset;
assign #1 _proc_capture_TxData_set = Tx_Start_i;
assign #1 _proc_capture_TxData_reset = _net_50|_net_47|_net_44|_net_41|_net_37|_net_34|_net_30|_net_27;
assign #1 _net_2 = _proc_capture_TxData_set|_proc_capture_TxData_reset;
assign #1 _net_3 = (BaudCounter)==({Freq_Divide_Param_i,4'b1111});
assign #1 _net_4 = Tx_Enable_i&_net_3;
assign #1 _net_5 = Tx_Enable_i&_net_3;
assign #1 _net_6 = Tx_Enable_i&(~_net_3);
assign #1 _net_7 = Tx_Enable_i&(~_net_3);
assign #1 _net_8 = ~Tx_Enable_i;
assign #1 _net_9 = ~Tx_Enable_i;
assign #1 _net_10 = ~Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_11 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b10);
assign #1 _net_12 = _net_10&_net_11;
assign #1 _net_13 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b01);
assign #1 _net_14 = _net_10&_net_13;
assign #1 _net_15 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b00);
assign #1 _net_16 = _net_10&_net_15;
assign #1 _net_17 = ((_net_10&(~_net_11))&(~_net_13))&(~_net_15);
assign #1 _net_18 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b10);
assign #1 _net_19 = (~_net_10)&_net_18;
assign #1 _net_20 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b01);
assign #1 _net_21 = (~_net_10)&_net_20;
assign #1 _net_22 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b00);
assign #1 _net_23 = (~_net_10)&_net_22;
assign #1 _net_24 = (((~_net_10)&(~_net_18))&(~_net_20))&(~_net_22);
assign #1 _net_25 = ~Tx_OddParity_i;
assign #1 _net_26 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b10);
assign #1 _net_27 = (capture_TxData&_net_26)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_28 = (capture_TxData&_net_26)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_29 = (capture_TxData&_net_26)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_30 = (capture_TxData&_net_26)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_31 = (capture_TxData&_net_26)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_32 = (capture_TxData&_net_26)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_33 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b01);
assign #1 _net_34 = (capture_TxData&_net_33)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_35 = (capture_TxData&_net_33)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_36 = (capture_TxData&_net_33)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_37 = (capture_TxData&_net_33)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_38 = (capture_TxData&_net_33)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_39 = (capture_TxData&_net_33)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_40 = (Tx_BitLength_i)==(2'b00);
assign #1 _net_41 = (capture_TxData&_net_40)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_42 = (capture_TxData&_net_40)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_43 = (capture_TxData&_net_40)&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_44 = (capture_TxData&_net_40)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_45 = (capture_TxData&_net_40)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_46 = (capture_TxData&_net_40)&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_47 = (((capture_TxData&(~_net_26))&(~_net_33))&(~_net_40))&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_48 = (((capture_TxData&(~_net_26))&(~_net_33))&(~_net_40))&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_49 = (((capture_TxData&(~_net_26))&(~_net_33))&(~_net_40))&Tx_ParityEN_i;
assign #1 _net_50 = (((capture_TxData&(~_net_26))&(~_net_33))&(~_net_40))&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_51 = (((capture_TxData&(~_net_26))&(~_net_33))&(~_net_40))&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_52 = (((capture_TxData&(~_net_26))&(~_net_33))&(~_net_40))&(~Tx_ParityEN_i);
assign #1 _net_53 = shift_Operation&ShiftTiming;
assign #1 _net_54 = shift_Operation&ShiftTiming;
assign #1 _net_55 = shift_Operation&ShiftTiming;
assign #1 _net_56 = (ShiftCount)==(BitLength);
assign #1 _net_57 = (shift_Operation&ShiftTiming)&_net_56;
assign #1 _net_58 = (shift_Operation&ShiftTiming)&_net_56;
assign #1 TxD_o = internal_TxD_out;
assign #1 Tx_Ready_o = internal_READY;
assign #1 Tx_ShiftClock_o = ShiftTiming;
assign #1 Tx_Finish_o = access_complete;
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
ShiftCount <= 4'b0000;
else if ((_net_55)|(capture_TxData))
ShiftCount <= ((_net_55) ?(ShiftCount)+(4'b0001):4'b0)|
((capture_TxData) ?4'b0000:4'b0);
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
BaudCounter <= 20'b00000000000000000000;
else if ((_net_6)|(_net_8|_net_4))
BaudCounter <= ((_net_6) ?(BaudCounter)+(20'b00000000000000000001):20'b0)|
((_net_8|_net_4) ?20'b00000000000000000000:20'b0);
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
ShiftTiming <= 1'b0;
else if ((_net_9|_net_7)|(_net_5))
ShiftTiming <= ((_net_9|_net_7) ?1'b0:1'b0)|
((_net_5) ?1'b1:1'b0);
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
Tx_ShiftReg <= 12'b000000000000;
else if ((_net_53)|(_net_52)|(_net_49)|(_net_46)|(_net_43)|(_net_39)|(_net_36)|(_net_32)|(_net_29))
Tx_ShiftReg <= ((_net_53) ?{1'b1,Tx_ShiftReg[11:1]}:12'b0)|
((_net_52) ?{{{1{1'b1}},1'b1},1'b1,Tx_Data_i[7:0],1'b0}:12'b0)|
((_net_49) ?{{{1{1'b1}},1'b1},Tx_Parity,Tx_Data_i[7:0],1'b0}:12'b0)|
((_net_46) ?{{{4{1'b1}},1'b1},1'b1,Tx_Data_i[4:0],1'b0}:12'b0)|
((_net_43) ?{{{4{1'b1}},1'b1},Tx_Parity,Tx_Data_i[4:0],1'b0}:12'b0)|
((_net_39) ?{{{3{1'b1}},1'b1},1'b1,Tx_Data_i[5:0],1'b0}:12'b0)|
((_net_36) ?{{{3{1'b1}},1'b1},Tx_Parity,Tx_Data_i[5:0],1'b0}:12'b0)|
((_net_32) ?{{{2{1'b1}},1'b1},1'b1,Tx_Data_i[6:0],1'b0}:12'b0)|
((_net_29) ?{{{2{1'b1}},1'b1},Tx_Parity,Tx_Data_i[6:0],1'b0}:12'b0);
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
internal_TxD_out <= 1'b1;
else if ((_net_54)|(capture_TxData))
internal_TxD_out <= ((_net_54) ?Tx_ShiftReg[0]:1'b0)|
((capture_TxData) ?1'b1:1'b0);
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
internal_READY <= 1'b1;
else if ((access_complete)|(capture_TxData))
internal_READY <= ((access_complete) ?1'b1:1'b0)|
((capture_TxData) ?1'b0:1'b0);
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
capture_TxData <= 1'b0;
else if ((_net_2))
capture_TxData <= _proc_capture_TxData_set;
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
shift_Operation <= 1'b0;
else if ((_net_1))
shift_Operation <= _proc_shift_Operation_set;
always @(posedge m_clock or posedge p_reset)
if (p_reset)
access_complete <= 1'b0;
else if ((_net_0))
access_complete <= _proc_access_complete_set;
Produced by NSL Core, IP ARCH, Inc. Fri Jun 04 19:03:13 2010
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